Landscape Magic > Stone Creations > Retaining Walls > Large Boulder Wall in Milford, Michigan

Large Boulder Wall in Milford, Michigan

We constructed this wall as part of a large project that included a waterfall, large screening evergeens and additional naturalizing plantings. The wall is over 125′ long and 10′ tall at it highest point. The boulders are 2-3′ typical with 6a stone backfill and heavy duty boulder fabric behind as usual. These clients wanted this wall to appear very natural – as though it had always been here. The magical thing about this large wall is that we had to build it from behind and from above! You see before we arrived, the grade of the land gently sloped towards the lake. We created the hill by bringing in over 1000 cubic yards of soil! As a landscape designer with over 25 years experience, no project is impossible! Call me at 248-866-4887 if you need creative problem solving.

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